Walkerville Foreshore Camping Reserve Terms & Conditions

Welcome to Walkerville Foreshore Camping Reserve (WFCR).  To protect the natural environment and ensure a relaxing and safe stay for all people at WFCR, the following terms and conditions must be complied with. 

These terms and conditions form part of the contract between you and the Walkerville Foreshore Reserve Committee of Management Inc (WFRCoM).

You must take all reasonable steps to ensure that everyone using your campsite complies with these terms and conditions during the period of your booking.  Any breach of these terms and conditions by any persons occupying or visiting your allocated campsite(s) is deemed to be a breach of these terms and conditions.

Failure by you or your guests to comply with these terms and conditions may result in the cancellation of your booking and the eviction of you and your guests from WFCR.  If your booking is cancelled for failure to comply with these terms and conditions, you will not be entitled to a refund of the balance of your booking.

The WFRCoM may update the terms and conditions for the WFCR from time to time.  The updated terms and conditions will be published on the website www.walkervilleforeshore.com.au and will be emailed to you.  You must comply with any updated terms and conditions during your stay at WFCR.

  1. Camping Permit
    1. The reservation confirmation email received after making your booking constitutes your camping permit.
    2. A camping permit allows you and your guests to camp within the boundaries of the allocated site only. All property belonging to you and your guests must remain within the boundaries of your allocated site and must not occupy or obstruct other sites or shared areas including roads.
    3. A camping permit allows a maximum number of 4 adults and 4 children to stay on the allocated site.
    4. The maximum stay on one site is six weeks.
    5. The maximum stay in the Camping Reserve is 180 days per calendar year.
    6. Subletting of sites is not permitted.
    7. Camping permits are non-transferable without written permission from the Ranger.
    8. Each site is allowed no more than 4 units. Each item below represents one unit:
      1. Tenting (incl. a caravan annex) up to an area of 20 square meters
      2. Caravan, camping trailer or motor home
      3. Trailer (incl. boat trailer)
      4. Motor vehicle
    9. Annex floors must be constructed of a permeable material to minimise damage to grass.
      1. Camping Reserve Check in/out times
        1. Check in time is from 1pm until 830pm.
        2. Check out is 11:00 am (Check out means all guests, vehicles and equipment have exited the Camping Reserve boom gate by 11:00am).
        3. Late Checkout Fee $50
      2. Code Red Fire Rating Danger Days
        1. You will not be permitted to check in on a day declared to be a Code Red fire danger rating day, unless approved by the Ranger.
        2. If the day you are to check in is declared to be a Code Red fire danger rating day and you have booked to stay more than one night, you may check in on the first day within your booking period that is not declared to be a Code Red fire danger day.
        3. You may contact the WFCR within 60 days of the last day of your booking period to request a refund for any days that you were not able to stay because of a Code Red fire danger rating declaration.
        4. If you have already commenced your stay at WFCR but decide to leave early because a day during your booking period has been declared to be a Code Red fire danger rating day:
          1. you must inform a Ranger of your intention to leave, and the date of departure, by attending the WFCR office;
          2. if notice is given in accordance with 3.4.1, you will be entitled to a refund in respect of the fees for any unused days within your booking period. A refund or transfer will not be provided for nights stayed during your booking period;
          3. your gate code will be cancelled at 11am on the day of departure, as notified to the Ranger in accordance with 3.4.1 above.
      3. Fires
        1. No fires of any kind are permitted except at the times and in the places approved by the Ranger.
        2. Fires must not be left unattended.
        3. No campfires are permitted during the CFA’s declared fire danger period for South Gippsland. Please check the website for updates.
        4. Naked flames are prohibited on Total Fire Ban days.
      4. Noise and behaviour
        1. Noise must be kept to a minimum after 10pm.
        2. You must not be intoxicated, under the influence of non-prescription drugs or engage in offensive behaviour on the WFCR.
        3. Generators are not permitted.
      5. Alcohol
        1. Possession of alcohol is prohibited between 10pm and 6am, except within built accommodation and on the campsite for which a camping permit is held.
      6. Water Use
        1. Water is a limited resource at WFCR and it must be used wisely.
        2. During Summer, no showers or laundry between 11am and 3pm.
        3. Fire hoses are for fire fighting only, and are not to be used for other purposes.
        4. Washing of vehicles or boats, including flushing of motors, is not permitted within WFRC.
        5. WFCR’s water supply comes from a nearby spring and is untreated. Campers should take appropriate precautions, including the boiling of drinking water or using bottled water.
      7. Caring for the Environment
        1. No vegetation is to be cut, cleared or damaged in any way, and fallen timber is not to be disturbed.
        2. Guy ropes and clothes-lines are not to be attached to trees.
        3. The collection of firewood in and around the WFCR is prohibited.
        4. The constructed walkways are to be used to access the beach.
        5. No plants or wildlife are to be harmed or disturbed.
        6. Rocks and sand are not to be removed from the beach.
      8. Dogs and Cats
        1. Subject to 9.2, pets are not permitted anywhere in the WFCR.
        2. Bona fide guide dogs and therapy dogs are permitted in the WFCR.
      9. Vehicles and Safety
        1. The speed limit is strictly 8km/h. Normal road rules apply.
        2. Day visitors must not bring motor vehicles into the WFCR.
        3. All vehicles must be parked within the boundaries of your allocated site.
        4. Cars must not be parked on the roadside or any other areas within the WFCR other than your allocated site.
        5. Tailgating through the boomgates is not permitted in any circumstances.
      10. Communal Facilities
        1. Children under the age of six years must be accompanied to the amenities block by an adult.
        2. Children must be supervised at all times, including at the playground.
        3. Shared facilities (including the Rotunda) are for the use of all permitted campers. These facilities are not for use for private functions or parties.
        4. Cleaning equipment is provided in toilet blocks to clean/dry floors after showering.
        5. Toilet cassettes are not to be emptied into the toilet. WFCR has a dump point.
        6. Dishwashing facilities are available in the rotunda. Dishes are not to be washed in laundries or hand basins.
        7. Garbage must be well wrapped and placed into the bins provided. Bins are not to be moved from their allocated areas. Only recyclable material may be placed in the recycling bins provided; no plastic bags in recycling bins.
      11. Breach of Terms and Conditions
        1. If you breach these terms and conditions:
          1. a Ranger may, but is not obliged to, issue an oral or written warning to you; and/or
          2. the WFRCoM may terminate your right to occupy a site; and/or
          3. the WFRCoM may refuse a future booking.
        2. Without limiting 12.1(b), the WFRCoM may terminate your right to occupy a site if you or your guests:
          1. breach any legislation;
          2. causes annoyance or nuisance to others in or in the vicinity of the WFCR; or
          3. behave unacceptably (including threatening, aggressive, drunken or uncontrolled behaviour, offensive language, misuse of or damage to facilities, theft or any other form of behaviour deemed unacceptable by the WFRCoM).
        3. In the event that your right to occupy a site is terminated, you must immediately vacate the site. No refund will be provided in these circumstances.
        4. In the event that your right to occupy a site is terminated, WFRCoM reserves the right to refuse a future booking.
        1. Release of Liability
          1. To the extent permitted by law, you agree to release the WFRCoM, the State of Victoria, and their respective employees and agents, from any liability with respect to:
            1. personal injury;
            2. damage to or loss of any property.
          2. WFRCoM and its employees and agents are not responsible for the loss of personal property.

          Cancellation and Refund Policy

          Cancellation more than 30 days from check in date: 90% refund (less the non-refundable booking fee).

          Cancellation within 30 days but more than 7 days from the date of check in: 50% refund (less the non-refundable booking fee).

          No refund for cancellation of bookings within 7 days of the date of check in, other than in exceptional circumstances as approved by the WFRCoM in its sole discretion.

          Deposit Policy

          All reservations to be paid in full at time of booking.

          All prices are inclusive of GST.  All prices are quoted in AUD

          General Policy

          Bookings are subject to availability at the time of booking.

          The WFRCoM reserves the right to change bookings, including by reallocating your booking to a different site.  In the event that you are reallocated to a different site that is not acceptable to you, you may cancel your booking with a right to a full refund of the booking fee paid for nights not used.

          The WFRCoM reserves the right to refuse a booking where a person’s previous booking has been terminated in the circumstances set out in clauses 12.1(b) or 12.2 of the terms and conditions.

          By proceeding to make a booking, you accept that your information will be used in accordance with the WFRCoM privacy policy (available on the website www.walkervilleforeshore.com.au), as amended from time to time.

          Download a PDF copy or Print our  Terms and Conditions 2024