The Walkerville Foreshore Reserve Rules and Regulations

Various rules and ordinances apply throughout the greater Walkerville Foreshore Reserve to ensure the safety and enjoyment of all users.

The Camping Reserve at North Walkerville also has a dedicated set of  Terms and Conditions .

Walkerville South - Boat Trailer Parking

Parking at Walkerville South beach is extremely limited.

Vehicle access to the beach is for boat launching only.

When launching boats using the Walkerville South beach access ramp trailers must be detached and parked on the beach to the North of the ramp.

Do not leave trailers attached to vehicles in the car park.

Walkerville South Beach access ramp - Peak period closures

The Walkerville South beach ramp is closed to vehicles each year from Christmas eve through until the end of January and again during the Easter long weekend. This is done to reduce the risk to beach users during the peak periods.

Bollards are installed on the beach access ramp during these times and Ramp Closed signs are displayed.

Off the beach boat launching is still available during these periods nearby at Walkerville North. There are upgraded ramp, road, car parking, sea wall and recreational facilities. There is potential car and trailer parking available for up to 37 cars with trailers at Walkerville North.


Below is a summary of the dog rules that apply within the Walkerville Foreshore Reserve and surrounding areas.

Within the Walkerville Foreshore Reserves extremities there is 3.8 kms of beach.

A 1.2km (green) section of North Walkerville beach, between the Community Hall and camping reserve boom gates, is open to dogs year round with a linking path through the camping reserve to the Overlook Track and Promontory Views estate.

The remainder of the beach area has a dog exclusion in place between 9am and 6pm from December through until the end of Easter. Outside of these hours dogs are permitted on a leash.

For clarity we have included several rules applying to the Cape Liptrap Coastal Park which surrounds and bisects our reserve. Please contact Parks Victoria if you have question about their rules.

Dog Zones within Walkerville Foreshore Reserve

Orange = Seasonal Dog Rules – No dogs 9am – 6pm, Dec – end  of Easter    Green = Dogs Permitted year round        Red = Dogs not permitted

Orange = Seasonal Dog Rules – No dogs 9am – 6pm, Dec – end  of Easter

Green = Dogs Permitted year round

Red = Dogs not permitted


1    Dog owners must be in control of their dogs at all times.

1.1 Bona fide guide dogs and therapy dogs are permitted in the Walkerville Foreshore Reserve.

Applies throughout the Walkerville Foreshore Reserve including beaches .


2      Walkerville North
North of the Community Hall and South of the WFCR boom gate entrance.

• Dogs are permitted on the beach on a leash from 9.00 am until 6.00 pm.
• Dogs are permitted on the beach off leash from 6.00 pm until 9.00 am.

Applies to 1.2km of beach between the camping reserve entry boom gate and the Community Hall. (Green area on map.)

3    Walkerville North
South of the Community Hall, and North of the WFCR boom gate entrance,
and at

Walkerville South

From 1st December until the end of Easter:

• Dogs are NOT permitted on the beach from 9.00 am until 6.00 pm.
• Dogs are permitted on the beach on leash from 6.00 pm until 9.00 am.

From the end of Easter until 30 November

• Dogs are permitted on the beach on a leash at any time of the day.

Applies to the beach in front of the Camping Reserve, North of the boom gates.  Applies to the beaches at Walkerville South, continuing Northwards all the way the Community Hall at North Walkerville. (Orange areas on map. ) Note: Parks VIC have applied this same ruleset to the beach between Walkerville North and South (3*). Refer Cape Liptrap Coastal Park Visitor Guide. 


4     Walkerville Foreshore Camping Reserve (WFCR, formally known as the Caravan Park)

Subject to 4.1 & 4.2 & 4.3, Dogs Cats and Pets are NOT permitted anywhere in the WFCR
4.1 Bona fide guide dogs and therapy dogs are permitted in the WFCR.
4.2 When the Parks Victoria Overlook Track is open to dog walking, dogs on a leash are permitted to be walked between the Parks Victoria Overlook Track and the WFCR boom gate entrance in order to safely access the area and must transit and exit the WFCR immediately.
4.3 Dogs are permitted in and must be tied up while in the grassed area opposite the entrance boom gate.

Applies to the Walkerville Foreshore Camping Reserve. Red area on Map.

The wording of these rules has been amended for clarity. Apart from a minor modification to clause 4.2, they remain unchanged since coming in to force in December 2018.

Cape Liptrap Coastal Park & dogs - Parks VIC.

Parks Victoria are the responsible authority for the Cape Liptrap Coastal Park which Surrounds the Walkerville Foreshore Reserve. They have produced an excellent visitors guide, an excerpt of which is shown here for reference.

In general Dogs are prohibited throughout Cape Liptrap Coastal Park in its entirety with several notable exceptions: 

On the beach between Walkerville North and South, on leash with the same seasonal conditions that apply in the Walkerville Foreshore reserve (Excluded between 9am & 6pm in summer months). 

• Dogs are Permitted on leash on the Overlook track between Promontory Views and the transit track through the camping reserve to access the foreshore. 

As noted, please direct any queries on these rules to Parks Victoria.

Dogs transiting the Camping Reserve

How the existing rules apply to the Camping Reserve:

1. Campers are not permitted to have dogs in the Camping Reserve at any time during their stay.

2. Dogs owned by those not camping in the reserve may be walked through the Camping Reserve via Overlook Track and Loop Road and must proceed directly through the Camping Reserve and not leave the defined route.

3. Dogs are not permitted in the Camping Reserve to the north of where Overlook Track meets Loop Road.

4. Dogs must be on lead at all times and owners are responsible for cleaning up after their dogs.

5. There is a dog friendly area on the beach side of Loop Road, immediately opposite the kiosk and adjacent to the boom gates.
6. Dog walkers wishing to stop within the Camping Reserve (for example to use the kiosk or toilet block) must first take their dogs directly to the dog friendly area and secure them.

7. Dogs are not permitted in the kiosk, at the kiosk ordering window, the seated area directly outside the kiosk, at the toilet block, or at campsites.

Dog Walking Sign

Camping Reserve entrance area

Camping Reserve entrance area & dog walkers transit path (green line).
Dog watering bowls in tie up area.

Green = Dogs Permitted year round         Orange = Seasonal Dog Rules – No dogs 9am – 6pm, Dec – end  of Easter          Red = Dogs not permitted

Green = Dogs Permitted year round

Orange = Seasonal Dog Rules – No dogs 9am – 6pm, Dec – end  of Easter

Red = Dogs not permitted

Walkerville Foreshore Camping Reserve aerial map.  

Dogs not permitted