Project Description

The Walkerville Foreshore Camping Reserve Seawall Augmentation construction project is commencing in October 2019. The project will take place in two stages, at the northern and southern most ends of the camping reserve. The existing seawall will be extended in these areas that are currently not protected by a seawall and are experiencing a high level of erosion. The northern most end comprises approximately 200m of seawall connecting to the existing seawall in the vicinity of the water tank and extending northwards. The southern most section comprises of a 50 metre length of seawall commencing at Seconds Creek and extending northwards to the first set of steps leading up to the kiosk area of the camping reserve. It is estimated that the construction period will be completed by approximately mid December 2019.

The design of the seawall has been prepared by Water Technology and all relevant approvals have been sought for its construction. The seawall will protect the shoreline from erosion including protection of vegetation, infrastructure and the camping reserve camping sites.


Will the camping reserve be closed over this period of time?

No. The construction project will not directly affect the camping reserve grounds. The camping reserve will be open as usual and all construction vehicles will be travelling along the beach and not the camping reserve road to access the construction zones.

Will certain areas of the camping reserve be closed off during the construction period?

The car parking areas at the entrance of the camping reserve will be utilized to store materials for the construction during the construction period only.

Is there going to be any interruptions to everyday activities along the beach area?

There will be construction vehicles and trucks travelling along the beach at certain times. They will have suitable traffic management measures in place for the public’s safety. Please be aware of these and abide by the regulations. Thank you.

Will the project be completed before the peak Christmas period?

Yes, the project will be fully completed by the Christmas period.

Further information?

Please contact the Walkerville Foreshore Reserve Committee of Management at or phone 0487 007 176

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